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Influencer Collaboration Request

Aloha! Thank you for your interest in Collaborating with us! Please send us an email to with your name, social media handles, and phone number! We will get back to you as soon as possible, Mahalo! 



-Must have at least 150k followers on Instagram and/or 200k on TikTok. 

-Must have at least 220k followers on Instagram and/or 300k on TikTok to be eligible for a free photo and video package included with your tour.

- Post one picture/reel/TikTok video AND story on your most popular social media platform. 

-Tag @deepblueecotours in your post. 

- Write a meaningful caption about what you learned. Spread the message about shark education/ocean conservation. 

-You are more than welcome to bring your own GoPro or camera with you on the tour and in the water. 

- You get a free +1 person to bring on the tour with you to help film your content! 

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